Learning 3.0
The principles on this page come from the book Learning 3.0 : How creative workers learn from Alexandre Magno.
2 types of learning
Based on knowledge and skills that are pre-determined for the learners.
Learners = empty containers into which the expert must deposit knowledge.
Self-organized learning.
Arises in unpredictable environments within a context in which learners organize :
The process
The learning destinations
3 versions of learning
Learning 3.0
All about stories and ideas more than about lessons and advice
Learning is related to real work; it’s not outside it
The one who learns becomes the protagonist, having higher (or total) influence on the product and on the process of learning
Learning emerges from the connection of stories, ideas, and practice, and equal discussion through a problematized situation from the real world
Challenging good and best practices is encouraged from the intentional confrontation of multiple perspectives
Viewing the learning is more important than measuring it
The Creative Worker
A creative worker is someone who, when faced with a problem, raises alternatives instead of limiting herself to known solutions.
A big part of the abilities you will need to discover start with the word “self”: e.g. self-knowledge, self-discovery, self-development, and self-motivation.
For creative workers, the learning must emerge from practice, of real problems and solutions.
Creative workers create and nurture communities around them and through those communities emerges a big part of the learning necessary to deal with the professional challenges of the twenty-first century.
The greater the love for what you do, the greater your curiosity and your will to explore, and your capacity to be creative.
The flow
How to ?
You can use the "Learning Canvas" :
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