Story cubes
from Cédric Pontet
Normal sets
9 cubes
6 faces / 6 drawings
10 077 969 possibilities
Extension sets
3 cubes
6 faces / 6 drawings
216 possibilities
Retrospective techniques
Roll the dice, tell your story one after the other
Each one roll one die, build a shared story together
1 person roll the dice, each one pick a drawing
A very specific format on TastyCupCakes
Questions you can ask
The last sprint was great/messy because…
A story about how our sprint was
A typical day for our team
What was our sprint planning like
The future of our team
Our last team building
Retro on the retro
Mixing things up
Mixing different sets for more creative stories
Use different sets for different purpose
Gather data --> Classics
Decide what to do --> Action / Voyage
Combine Story Cubes with other techniques
Retrospective cards
Method kits
Your imagination is your limit…
Don't abuse of them. Only use them for one part of your retro
Last updated