Dev ethics

In this session we will think about our responsibility as Software Developers regarding larger communities and we will initiate our own Oaths that we will be able to apply in our day to day.

Connection - 10'

Imagine you are working for the most ethic company on earth :

  • You just delivered a new revolutionary product

  • You and your teammates are on the front page of every TV channel

  • You are recognized and praised on all sides

Draw this breaking news (in groups)

  • Cover – states the spectacular success accomplished by the company

  • Headers – reveal what the story is about

  • Sidebars – include parts of the report

  • Quotes – testimonials about the accomplishment from anyone imaginable

  • Images – pictures that support the cover story

  • Brainstorm – used for writing down ideas before starting the activity

Concepts - 10'

What do they have in common ?

Almost any professional whose work impacts the public must abide by some sort of ethical code of conduct.

Hippocratic Oath

Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” around 500 B.C. has written the famous oath which has guided the practice of medicine.

No Dev's Oath ?

Why should we take ethics into consideration ?

Software is eating the world

Imagine a life without software : zombies ?

  • Phones don’t ring

  • Cars don’t start

  • Planes don’t fly

  • Bombs don’t explode

  • Money doesn’t change hands

  • Electricity doesn’t get generated

Software is everywhere

In our society, virtually nothing happens without the involvement of some kind of computer program.

What is software at the end ?

Software is a set of rules if we think about it

  • Our civilization doesn’t quite realize how dependent it has become on software

  • How many hours do you spend on your computers, smartphones, cars each day ?

Software can hurt

  • 2015 : independent tests revealed that Volkswagen engineers programmed cars to cheat emissions standards

  • 2016 : U.S. presidential election - Facebook/Twitter Epidemic of fake news, and now is inextricably linked to

  • 2018 : Boeing 737 Max crashes because of software problems

  • 2018 : Cambridge Analytica’s : weaponization of personal user information

Social exclusion, various environmental impacts, ....

Where are we as an industry ?

  • Will things get better or worse?

  • Most of developers don’t ultimately feel it’s their responsibility if unethical products go live.

Who is responsible ?

Code doesn't kill people, who does it ?

  • Product managers do ?

  • Shareholders ?

  • CEOs ?

  • Developers ?

Do we all need to be informed and responsible?

Devs as the last Bastion ?

1st time in human being history that ethics, philosophy and technics are intimately bounds

What is our future ?


  • At a faster rate than employment policy can adjust to how this impacts on our economies and on individual livelihoods

  • AI are displacing jobs

  • Black box algorithms that replicate systemic discrimination have also been raised

Business and startups can play a huge role in designing technology that supports human society by designing software ethically.

Some brilliant in are raising warnings

"Nous devons être conscients des dangers, les identifier, et employer les meilleures pratiques et cadres pour nous préparer à ses conséquences bien en avance, avait-il déclaré lors d’une conférence. La montée de l’IA pourrait être la pire ou la meilleure chose qui soit jamais arrivée à l’humanité." - Stephen Hawking

Concrete Practice - Create your own oath - 30'

Based on the breaking news : create an oath to design ethical software

  1. Think about your current and last projects

    • Did they respect environment, human beings ?

    • Did your clients respect your own ethic ?

  2. On which kind of projects you like to work on ?

    • For who you want to work ?

    • Which kind of environments ?

    • With whom ?

  3. What do you enjoy in your work ?

Maybe different levels : Developer / Product / Client / Society

  • 10’ en pair

  • 5’ en groupe

  • 5’ all together

  • 10’ Finalization

Conclusion - Existing Oaths - 10'

  • Contribute to society and human well-being.

    • Programmers should work to develop computer systems that can reduce negative consequences to society, such as threats to safety and health, and that can make everyday activities and work easier.

    • It is “an obligation to develop to high standards”

  • Avoid harm to others.

    • Computer systems have an indirect impact on third parties.

    • They can cause loss of information and resources that might result severely harmful for users, the general public, or employers.

    • Therefore, software developers should minimize the risk of harming others due to coding errors, or security issues, by following standards to design and test systems

  • Be honest and trustworthy.

    • This principle encourages programmers to be honest and aware of their limitations in knowledge and education when writing computer systems.

    • Also, if a programmer knows there is something wrong with a computer system, he or she should report it immediately to avoid undesirable consequences

Watch his video :

Existing principles


Ethical codes only work when they are embraced by the majority of developers and become a part of educational training.

Everything is not dark

7 principles of AI by Google

Last updated