Star wars theme

Ice breaker 5’

Introduce the theme of the retrospective. Each attendee picks a piece of paper on which is written a quote from the Star Wars movies.


Each attendee must use this quote during the meeting when it feels it is the right time.


  • “Your focus determines your reality.” – Qui-Gon Jinn

  • “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

  • “Somebody has to save our skins.” – Leia Organa

  • “In my experience there is no such thing as luck.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” – Darth Vader

  • “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

  • “It’s a trap!” – Admiral Ackbar

  • “Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • “Never tell me the odds.” – Han Solo

  • “Mind tricks don’t work on me.” – Watto

  • “Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.” – Han Solo

  • “Stay on target.” – Gold Five

Set the stage 10’

  • Play the theme of the movies during this part.

  • Choose your character

  • Each attendee must think about which character Star Wars character would best represent him during this retrospective, and explain why.

Gather data 15'

Light or dark side

  • Regarding the previous sprint, categorize things that happened.

  • Are they in the light side or in the dark side?

One idea / sticky notes then everyone sticks those on the wall.

Generate insights 10’ – 15’

Exploratory mission

Send a pathfinder to cluster the sticky notes by theme.

Once everything is clustered, each attendee must dot vote which themes he/she wants to deep dive on (3 dots / attendee).

Split the group and make them work on the different themes in order to find improvement actions.

​Decide what to do 10’

Define actions by character

Based on the exploratory mission results, define actions you want to tackle during the next sprint.

Categorize them:

  • R2D2 : courage

  • Padmé : diplomacy

  • Luke Skywalker : apprenticeship

  • Action Yoda : advice/help

Closing 15’

Jedi ceremony

For each team member, ask to the audience why he/she is a jedi for the team. Many attendees can answer.

Last updated

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