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Is it easier to unit test :
The reason for asking about what is easy to test is to get them prepared for designing a pure function or static method for calculating FizzBuzz.
These kinds of functions are easier to test since all the outcomes are visible in the return value, the input value is not modified and there are no side effects.
Bust the TDD myths
TDD is too Time Consuming
The business team doesn’t care at all about the development process you use, as long as it’s effective.
TDD will :
improve developer productivity (long term)
Reduce customer abandonment
Reduce the costs of customer service
Writing test cases before the code, is not feasible
It forces you to have a direction in mind before you start charging into the fray, and having a direction in mind leads to better designs
100% code coverage
100% of testing the wrong things is not a goal…
Focus on the value
TDD replaces QA
We can’t cover everything with TDD
For example : GUI E2E tests (really hard to maintain)
This is where QA has an important role.
Write all tests before we start the code
Not at all : 1 test at a time
2 TDD schools
Chicago / Detroit TDD (Classic)
London TDD (Mockist approach)
From the inside to outside
From the outside to inside
Starting from the model classes (Core domain logic)
Use external constraints as a starting point (API endpoint, Services)
No concern for how it might be integrated elsewhere
Concrete Practice
Write a method that returns for a number from 1 to 100 this given number, except that :
For multiples of 3 returns “Fizz”
For the multiples of 5 returns “Buzz”
For numbers which are multiples of both 3 and 5 returns “FizzBuzz”
Let them start for 10' then reflect you can then give them more guidance :
1) Identify your Test Cases
By using the Test Cards in pair : identify test cases
How would you name your first test ?
Ask attendees to note on a Sticky Note what is the name of their first test
Compare the different styles
What do they prefer (Dot voting)
How to name Good Unit Tests ? (GUTs)
How to name our Unit TestsFizzbuzz Test cases :
2) Once identified the 5 Test Cases, write the code
By using TDD, write Test cases once at a time :
Trap to avoid : "do not write 1 test to rule them all"
Talks about sampling
Tests are always a sample
You cannot cover every possible value
Do not repeat the same complexity in your tests than in your Production Code
3) A little bit to easy ?
Remove “if” in your code
Parameters version, implement this method :
If you use a language authorizing default values :
int limit : 100
int fizz : 3
int buzz : 5
Take a function in parameter
Create a Higher Order Function : function modulo(dividend, divisor){ return dividend%divisor; }
Add a voice output
Write it in an unknown language
What happened to your code when implementing new tests ?
Triangulation : The more specific tests you write, the more the code will become generic
In pairs, discuss how TDD felt, what was difficult and what was easier.
Tell the other person the most useful thing you learnt today.
Last updated
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