Speed boat
Set the stage 5'
Remind this sentence : "Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand"
Explorer, Shopper, Vacationer, or Prisoner
How do participants feel at the retro:
Explorer: Eager to dive in and research what did and didn't work and how to improve.
Shopper: Positive attitude. Happy if one good things comes out.
Vacationer: Reluctant to actively take part but the retro beats the regular work.
Prisoner: Only attend because they (feel they) must.
Gather data 10'
Speed boat
Analyze what forces push you forward and what pulls you back.
Draw a speedboat onto a flip chart paper with :a strong motor and a heavy anchor
Team members silently write on sticky notes what propelled the team forward and what kept it in place.
One idea per note.
Post the stickies motor and anchor respectively.
Read out each one and discuss how you can increase 'motors' and cut 'anchors'.
Generate insights 5-10'
Generate lots of ideas on the "what kept it in place" topics.
Decide what to do
Dot-voting on the generated insights
Last updated