Book notes
Here are the Book notes taken during Xtrem Reading sessions
Agile People: A Radical Approach for HR & ManagersAgile testing : A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile TeamsBoite à outils de l'intelligence émotionnelleBuilding a better business using Lego Serious Play methodBuilding evolutionary architecturesCode that fits in your headCulture AgileCulture is everythingDomain-Driven Design: The First 15 YearsDynamic Reteaming - The Art and Wisdom of Changing TeamsHow to avoid a Climate DisasterLa liberté du commandementRéaliser ses rêves, ça s'apprendRefactoring at ScaleSucceeding with OKRs in AgileTeam TopologiesThe Good LifeTu fais quoi dans la vieWho Does What By How Much?