Let's refactor (FP style)
Theatrical players refactoring Kata in a Functional Programming style
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Theatrical players refactoring Kata in a Functional Programming style
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We can use the mikado method to do so.
Here is mine :
We will use vavr to refactor this code in java.
class PlayAmounts {
private static final NumberFormat FORMAT = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
private static final IntUnaryOperator TRAGEDY =
audience -> 40_000 + (audience > 30 ? 1_000 * (audience - 30) : 0);
private static final IntUnaryOperator COMEDY =
audience -> 30_000 + 300 * audience + (audience > 20 ? 10_000 + 500 * (audience - 20) : 0);
private static final Map<String, IntUnaryOperator> TYPES =
HashMap.of("tragedy", TRAGEDY, "comedy", COMEDY);
static Integer forTypeAndAudience(String type, Integer audience) {
return TYPES.get(type).map(f -> f.applyAsInt(audience))
.getOrElseThrow(() -> new Error("Unknown type: " + type));
static String format(Integer amount) {
return FORMAT.format(amount / 100);
private String formatLine(String name, Integer amount, Integer audience) {
return String.format(" %s: %s (%s seats)%n", name, format(amount), audience);
private String formatStatement(Invoice invoice, Statement pc) {
return String.format("Statement for %s%n%sAmount owed is %s%nYou earned %s credits",
invoice.customer, pc.line, format(pc.amount), pc.credits);
private Statement makeStatement(Performance perf, Play play) {
int amount = PlayAmounts.forTypeAndAudience(play.type, perf.audience);
int volumeCredits = computeCredits(play.type, perf.audience);
String line = formatLine(play.name, amount, perf.audience);
return new Statement(line, amount, volumeCredits);
public String print(Invoice invoice, java.util.Map<String, Play> plays) {
return Vector.ofAll(invoice.performances)
// for each performance make a statement
.map(perf -> makeStatement(perf, plays.get(perf.playID)))
// compute total amount and credit
// make the final statement to be printed
.map(p -> formatStatement(invoice, p))
public class StatementPrinter implements StatementPrinter {
private String formatLine(String name, Integer amount, Integer audience) {
return String.format(" %s: %s (%s seats)%n", name, format(amount), audience);
private String formatStatement(Invoice invoice, Statement pc) {
return String.format("Statement for %s%n%sAmount owed is %s%nYou earned %s credits",
invoice.customer, pc.line, format(pc.amount), pc.credits);
private Statement makeStatement(Performance perf, Play play) {
int amount = PlayAmounts.forTypeAndAudience(play.type, perf.audience);
int volumeCredits = computeCredits(play.type, perf.audience);
String line = formatLine(play.name, amount, perf.audience);
return new Statement(line, amount, volumeCredits);
private int computeCredits(String type, Integer audience) {
return Math.max(audience - 30, 0)
+ ("comedy".equals(type) ? (audience / 5) : 0);
public String print(Invoice invoice, java.util.Map<String, Play> plays) {
return Vector.ofAll(invoice.performances)
// for each performance make a statement
.map(perf -> makeStatement(perf, plays.get(perf.playID)))
// compute total amount and credit
// make the final statement to be printed
.map(p -> formatStatement(invoice, p))
Our code is now ready to be extended with the new HTLM printer.