Domain Modeling Made Functional
Great book and workshop followed with Scott Wlaschin
Workshop notes
Source code
Extra Material of the Workshop
Four Candles -- comedy sketch with lessons for DDD
Learning F#
F# Front end:
There is a whole (excellent) book on using Elmish
F# web frameworks:
Working with JSON and databases
Serializing your domain model -- how to share algebraic data types with the outside world
Event sourcing
A more advanced version of FsUno closer to what would be put in production
Adopting FP in your company
Video: Adopting FP: A Human-First Approach -- how to ensure that new ideas work inside a company
F# tips and example code
“Effective F#” gist -- a lot of guidelines for developing in F#
AsyncExample.fs -- some examples of Async
AsyncResult Workflow Template -- demonstrates async and result workflow
Utility.fs -- common classes like NonEmptyList, etc
Testutils.fs -- utilities for testing
Wrapping(simple) -- AWS + Json wrappers
To go further
Links for if you want to keep going after the workshop :
see the link at the bottom of the Google Docs file at
For C# compatibility, see code at: DmmfWorkshop/CSharpInterop
For monads and more, see slides: F-FP_toolkit.pdf code: DmmfWorkshop/src/F-ImplementingWorkflows/01-Exercises.txt
For capability-based design see:
Read his great book on the topic : Domain Modeling Made Functional
Last updated