How to read code better
Workshop to demonstrate how our programmers brain work.
Objectives :
Understand how our brain works in front of code
Get some tips to improve our daily life
Flashcards to learn quickly new syntax / spaced repetition
Chunking code strategies
Techniques to read complex code
Connection - Code reader 10'
Ask participants to :
Choose a code snippet
Take a few minutes to read / understand it - 5'
Add notes on your snippet - 5'
Why did you choose this piece of code ?
What makes it easy to understand the code ?
What makes it hard to understand the code ?
Debrief it and relate to the confusion related to code.
Concepts - 30'
Concrete Practice - Create your own Flashcards 10'
Think of the top 10 programming concepts you always have trouble remembering
Make a set of flashcards for each of the concepts and try using them
Example :
Conclusion - 5'
Debrief on the learning of the day
Ask participants to stick their name
Ask them why here
Last updated